Insulinomas, a rare type of pancreatic beta cell tumor, uncovered

A MELIS-UPF research group discovers that an accumulation of mutations changes the epigenetic profile of beta cells in insulinomas.

Career month: an event to stir yourself towards the future

In June, the PRBB centres and the Intervals programme organised talks related to different scientific professions to guide young researchers in the park into their future.

Microproteins to generate cancer vaccines

Teams from the Hospital del Mar Research Institute and MELIS-UPF have collaborated on a study that could open the door to vaccines against liver cancer.

The PRBB refurbishes its data centre to optimise its present and future performance

The works to improve the facilities that house the data processing equipment reinforce the security of the continuity of service in case of lack of supplies and enable the space to house more new-generation electronic equipment.