The 1st of March is International Zero Discrimination Day, a day dedicated to remembering that today many people still experience discrimination and stigmatisation, both socially and in education, employment and healthcare.
The world of science and research is no exception. Here, too, discriminatory situations can occur, as we could hear during the workshop held at the PRBB on 9 November: “Breaking Barriers: empowering women, minorities and LGBTIQA+ in science“.
This workshop was complemented at the end of the year by a survey of perceived discrimination sent to all the staff at the park’s centres. The data is still being analysed, but it will certainly give us a new insight into the experiences of the building’s diverse residents.
Continuing the work started with the workshop and the survey, the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) has launched a campaign to stimulate reflection among the Park’s residents. Similar to the campaign carried out 3 years ago, which focused more on sexual or gender harassment, this year’s campaign has been extended to all forms of discrimination.

Through posters and images on the TV screens in the park and on social media, different situations of discrimination – based on gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, origin, cultural or linguistic background, disability or functional diversity, or even age – will be presented to challenge us and make us question why each of these behaviours is unacceptable.
The examples are by no means exhaustive, but they are intended to stimulate dialogue and reflection on some of the things we may do or say that can be discriminatory or upsetting, sometimes without realising it.
The campaign presents situations to encourage dialogue and reflection on things that can be discriminatory or annoying, sometimes without us being aware of it.

The campaign also aims to raise awareness of the PRBB centre’s anti-bullying policy. Ultimately, as the campaign slogan #BeRespectful suggests, the aim is to foster a culture of respect for all. It is not possible to work well if you feel challenged, ignored, judged or harassed.
All of the Centre’s policies can be found on the EDI Committee website, along with more information about the PRBB’s commitment and activities in the area of equality and diversity.
You can find the new posters of the campaign, which are free to re-use, on the
Let’s foster an environment of unconditional respect for all!