At the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) we want to celebrate Sant Jordi with lots of science, and the best way to do it is by sharing beautiful poems about it!
Last year the PRBB Intervals programme counted on Sam Illingworth, an expert in atmospheric physics and a poet, to carry out the course “Rhyme your science“. Here you can read some of the resulting poems!
And as we are eager to add more poetry to our science, our lives and our social networks, we have organised a poetry contest on Twitter.
The rules are as follows:
- Anyone can participate (both scientific staff or lay public) from the age of 13 years old (included) who live in Spain.
- Participants can send as many poems as they wish.
- All types of poems are accepted (haikus, nonettos, or longer poems, which can be done in a thread of several tweets).
- The poems must be published on Twitter, and can be in Catalan, Spanish or English.
- Tweets or threads must use the hashtag #RhymeScience and mention the account @the_prbb. Participants must follow the @the_prbb account to enter the competition.
- Poems must be posted by 24 April at 10:00 am.
- The winning poem will be chosen internally among the 5 poems with the most likes. In the case of poems written in more than one tweet, only the likes from the first tweet of the thread will be counted.
- The winning poem will be announced on 27 April via Twitter.
- The winner will be contacted individually via Twitter.
- The prize will be poetry and/or science books to be chosen by the winner from a pool of books.
- All works will remain in the possession of the PRBB and may be used either in print or digital format. The use of the works will be non-profit and the authors will always be cited.
We look forward to reading your works! 🌹⚔🐲