November 18 is the annual International Day of LGBTQIA+ People in STEM – a day dedicated to celebrating and highlighting the work and barriers of LGBTQIA+ people in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).
To celebrate this day, an event was held at PRBB last Monday. Taking advantage of the occasion, the Park was announced as the new headquarters of the Catalan delegation of PRISMA, the Association for Affective-Sexual and Gender Diversity in Science, Technology and Innovation.
From this September, the PRBB is the headquarters of the Catalan delegation of PRISMA, the Association for Affective-Sexual and Gender Diversity in Science, Technology and Innovation.
The event was attended by representatives of PRISMA, Simón Perera del Rosario, researcher at the Institute for Evolutionary Biology (IBE: CSIC-UPF) and representative of PRISMA and the LGTBIAQ+@PRBB group, as host of the event; and Tiago Oliveira Botelho, current president of PRISMA.
After a welcome by the PRBB Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee coordinator, there was a presentation of the LGTBI groups from different centers in Catalonia: Laura Delshams presented the actions of the Queer group of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Cristina Solé Marcé spoke about the LGTBI group of the Vall d’Hebron Institut de Recerca and Raul Toran introduced the LGTBIAQ+ group of the PRBB itself.
An interesting and lively conversation followed about how to make research centers more inclusive, and how PRISMA can help to do so, followed by a networking session.
About fifty people participated in the event, including Alberto Lacasta Huelin, current Director General of LGBTI+ Public Policies of the Generalitat, who also gave a speech.