This fall, the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University (MELIS-UPF) is taking biomedical research out of the labs and into libraries. As part of the “Science Visions” project, every Monday in October and November at 6:30 p.m., researchers from this institution at the Park will bring their work closer to the general public.
The series (in Catalan and Spanish), under the title “Biomedicine: research to improve tomorrow“, will explore, during 8 independent sessions, basic research currently underway, which may serve as the foundation for future studies that will impact human and planetary health in the coming years.
From October 7 to November 25, you have a date with biomedicine at the following libraries:
- Reading and writing DNA: how can synthetic biology transform human and planetary health? Vila de Gràcia Library – Rosa M. Arquimbau, 07/10/2024. By Marc Güell, head of the Translational Synthetic Biology Research Group. (in Catalan)
- Is it possible to redesign the biosphere? El Clot Library – Josep Benet, 14/10/2024. By Víctor Maüll, predoctoral researcher in the Complex Systems Research Group. (in Catalan)
- The development of senses: from one cell to a range of sensations. Camp de l’Arpa Library – Caterina Albert, 21/10/2024. By Berta Alsina, head of the Sensory Systems Neurobiology Group. (in Catalan)
- The influence of gut microbiota on mental health. Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte, 28/10/2024. By Mireia Vallès Colomer, head of the Microbiome Research Group. (in Catalan)
- What do primate genomes teach us about conservation and human diseases? Vila de Gràcia Library – Rosa M. Arquimbau, 04/11/2024. By Tomàs Marquès Bonet, head of the Comparative Genomics Group. (in Catalan)
- Drug studies that go beyond a single pharmaceutical company. El Clot Library – Josep Benet, 11/11/2024. By Ferran Sanz, head of the Integrative Biomedical Informatics Research Group. (in Catalan)
- Solving the p53 puzzle: How does the most famous anti-cancer gene work? Camp de l’Arpa Library – Caterina Albert, 18/11/2024. By Ana Janic, head of the Cancer Biology Research Group. (in Spanish)
- Viruses: angels or demons? Sagrada Família Library – Josep M. Ainaud de Lasarte, 25/11/2024. By Juana Díez, head of the Virology Unit. (in Spanish)
The talks are free and open to everyone, don’t miss them!