The LGTBQIA+ PRBB group, created in 2021 and currently formed by around thirty people, meets monthly to discuss and organize activities, whether training or dissemination of topics of interest or social activities open to the community. “The group aims to create community and develop LGTBIQA+ actions to have more inclusive centers,” says Raúl Torán, ISGlobal worker and coordinator of the LGTBIAQ+@PRBB group, who encourages anyone interested to join.
“The group aims to create community and develop LGTBIQA+ actions to have more inclusive centers”
Raúl Torán, coordinador del grup LGTBIAQ+@PRBB
Cine Forum
As part of its activities, this year the group is organizing the screening of a series of films with LGTBIAQ+ protagonists or themes. The films are shown in their original version, subtitled in English or Spanish.
The next film, screening April 16 at 6pm in the Marie Curie room of the PRBB, will be The Imitation Game, a 2014 biographical thriller film directed by Morten Tyldum and written by Graham Moore, based on the biography from 1983 “Alan Turing: The Enigma” by Andrew Hodges.
The film follows cryptanalyst Alan Turing – played by Benedict Cumberbatch – who deciphered German intelligence messages for the British government during World War II – only to be convicted later on for being homosexual.

Here you can see the full programme of the film forum organised by the LGTBIQA+@PRBB group:
- 31/01 – La amiga de mi amiga (Zaida Carmona)
- 05/03 – Ammonite (Francis Lee)
- 16/04 – The Imitation Game (Morten Tyldum)
- 29/05 – Fuego fatuo (Joao Pedro Rodrigues)
- 18/09 – La jaula de las locas (Edouard Molinaro)
- 30/10 – Cora Bora (Hannah Pearl Utt)
- 27/11 – Una Mujer Fantástica (Sebastián Lelio)
In this article you have more information about some of these films as well as other films and series with LGTBIQA+ people from the world of science as protagonists.
Round table, beer session and more
In addition, on Wednesday 17 April, the IBE researcher and general secretary of PRISMA (the Spanish LGTBIQA+ association in science and innovation) Simon Perera, will moderate the scientific dialogue “Affective, sexual and gender diversity: nature and culture” , organized by the Europaea Academy – Barcelona Kowledge Hub.
The event, with the participation of Gràcia Trujillo and Esa Díaz-León, will take place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at the Royal Academy of Sciences and Arts of Barcelona – RACAB (La Rambla, 115, Barcelona). It can also be followed online at this link.
Stay tuned for the next actions of the LGTBQIA+PRBB group, such as a beer session on the occasion of PRIDE, or the “Run for diversity” race also towards these dates – an initiative of the Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (GEDI) Committee del CRG with the support of the PRBB’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion committee.
If you are interested in joining the LGTBIAQ+@PRBB group, or have any questions or ideas related to Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, you can send an email to