One of the strategic objectives of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) and the centres that form part of it is to promote the scientific culture. That is why they are also committed to transmitting scientific knowledge and advances to society, seeking to inspire and awaken curiosity among young people and future scientists.
Within the catalogue of educational activities offered by the Park is the Cycle of talks ‘Dimarts de ciència’ (Science Tuesdays). This virtual activity, aimed at students in the 4th year of ESO, Baccalaureate and educational cycles, aims to show them the research carried out at the PRBB centres. The one-hour talks, designed to be followed by class groups, also encourage student participation by proposing questions through interactive websites.
Three sessions have been scheduled for the 2023-2024 academic year. The first of these, “La biología de la adicción” by Inés Gallego from the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University (MELIS-UPF), took place on Tuesday 12 March and can already be watched on YouTube.
The mathematics of biology
When an organism grows, cells reproduce and move to form organs, limbs…. This movement must be produced by forces within the tissue that we are often unable to explain. By studying what physical principles govern growth, we can understand this movement and by using mathematical models we can predict how possible changes will affect development.
The talk, which will be in Catalan and entitled “Cell movement and forces: an adventure of models and mathematics“, will be given by Joaquim Frigola from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL Barcelona). It will take place on Tuesday 7 May from 9:30 to 11:00h. If you are interested in participating, all you need to do is register your class group in this form and we will write to you very soon to confirm your place.
New weaknesses in brain cancer
Cancer manipulates the cell’s genes to grow out of control. Unfortunately, with current treatments, most patients diagnosed with brain cancer do not survive more than 2 years. With a new method, researchers at the Park want to identify which versions of the genes are essential for brain cancer and create new treatments against them. Do you want to know how?
Miquel Anglada from the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) will explain it to you in Catalan in the talk that will take place next Tuesday 14 May from 9:30 to 11:00h. Remember to register your group in the form to be able to participate and you will receive the instructions to join the online session.
A long history
Dimarts de ciència began as a result of a talk organised at the PRBB auditorium in 2013. A session that was very successful among students and teachers and that opened the door to establish science talks as part of the educational offer of the Park.
Since then, 58 talks have been held with the participation of nearly 10,000 students in various formats that have been adapted to the changes – from face-to-face sessions in the auditorium to virtual sessions in the wake of the pandemic. This new telematic format is here to stay, as it allows us to reach outside the metropolitan area of Barcelona in a much simpler way. In addition, some sessions remain on Youtube for later viewing.
Haven’t you signed your students up for the ‘Dimarts de ciència’ talks yet?