The Hospital del Mar Research Institute is once again collaborating with Barcelona Libraries to raise awareness of the scientific work carried out at the centre. The cycle ‘Què en sabem de les malalties del cor?‘ (What do we know about hear diseases?) is part of the project ‘Visions de la Ciència’. These sessions, in the form of a scientific café, will be free of charge, open to the general public and in Catalan, and will take place during eight Mondays at 18:30h at different points in the city’s network of libraries.
This year’s edition, from 4 March to 13 May, will provide an opportunity to discover the heart, its characteristics, the cardiovascular system, the most common heart diseases and some tips on how to look after this important and essential muscle. The list of talks will be as follows:
- The heart, at the centre of the cardiovascular system and society. El Clot-Josep Benet Library, 04/03/2024.
- How to look after our arteries? Library Camp de l’Arpa-Caterina Albert, 11/03/2024.
- Am I suffering a heart attack or angina pectoris? What should I do? Sagrada Família Library, 18/03/2024.
- Taking care of a woman’s heart. Vil·la de Gràcia Library, 08/04/2024.
- How your genetics can affect your heart: genetic and family diseases. Camp de l’Arpa-Caterina Albert Library, 15/04/2024.
- Atrial fibrillation, when the heart loses its rhythm. Sagrada Família Library, 29/04/2024.
- A window to the heart, ultrasound. El Clot-Josep Benet Library, 06/05/2024.
- Heart failure. Xavier Benguerel Library, 13/05/2024.
The Hospital del Mar Research Institute has already participated in four previous editions of the cycle ‘Visions de Ciència’ (Visions of Science), which were very successful with the public. These talks covered topics such as the brain, depression, the Mediterranean diet and cancer, among others.