
Michelle Leger (IBE): “We have to remove barriers in science, because there is no reason for them to exist”

Anna Bigas (Hospital del Mar Research Institute): “Tumours ‘copy’ stem cell mechanisms to become more resistant”

Roberto Elosua (Hospital del Mar Research Institute): “In cardiovascular diseases, zero risk does not exist”

New seasons of the PRBB podcasts ‘Absolutos y Relativos’ and ‘La Mare de la Ciència’

Sergi Bonilla (CRG): “Humans have lost the ability to regenerate the retina”

Heura Cardona (EMBL Barcelona): «I like to investigate how cells organize themselves to form a living and functional being»

Baldo Oliva (GRIB): «In order to function, molecules must have a shape»

Blai Vidiella (IBE): «Terraforming the Earth means fighting against the changes that humans have already caused in the planet»

Maribel Casas (ISGlobal): “We need to encourage the generation of products that are useful but do not affect our health”

Arnau Busquets (IMIM): “Most of the decisions we make are based on experiences that have happened to us”