On 22nd and 23rd November, the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University (DCEXS-UPF) held its annual symposium in the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) auditorium. The opening seminar, on somatic stem cell ageing, was given by Carolina Florian, from the Centre for Regenerative Medicine in Barcelona. Then, the researchers Ana Janic, Chema Fernández, Miquel-Àngel Serra, Berta Canal, Héctor Huerga, and Carlos Toscano featured in a roundtable on the future of science, moderated by Josep Eladi Baños, where they talked about the multidisciplinary approach, the pressure to publish, open science, and the challenges of achieving a stable position after finishing a PhD. After brief science talks by the postdoctoral researchers from the department, Mustafa Kammash, from ETH Zurich, delivered a final talk on computational methods for modelling, simulating, analysing and controlling biological networks.
A total of 80 doctoral students took part in the collaborative poster session, where eight groups presented the research of one of its members. Team McClintock won, with a presentation on ResMarkerDB, the database of biomarkers of response to monoclonal antibody therapy in breast and colorectal cancer. The day came to a close with a beer session.