The Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) has developed the BiblioLab Science – Healthy City project, which unites art, science, urbanism and generation of knowledge by the participants. The objective was to involve society to co-create a city of the future more human and healthier, with more active mobility, physical activity and green spaces, more sustainable transport, and less atmospheric and acoustic pollution.
The project – carried out together with the Sagrada Familia Library of Barcelona – was also intended to generate spaces for experimentation and to train and educate on topics related to science, technology and health.
With a duration of 6 months, from January to June 2019, the project consisted of:
more than 20 citizen science and art and science workshops, with more than 600 participants.
the creation of permanent resources on healthy cities, such as activity cards, and the creation of the permanent space BiblioLab Ciència at the Biblioteca Sagrada Família
The project has ended with the BiblioLab Science Conference, which was attended by some of the participants, who explained their projects, and with the exhibition of several BiblioLab and citizen science projects, such as CitieS-Health, D-NOSES and InSPIRES, among others.
All BiblioLab activities have been free, with prior registration, and have been possible thanks to the BiblioLab grants from the Barcelona Provincial Council (Diputació de Barcelona), with co-financing from the Barcelona Library Consortium.
You can read more about this project in the Catalan version of this article.
This post has been written jointly by Raül Toran and Marina Tarrús, of the Scientific Culture Unit (UCC + i) and of the Scientific Outreach Area of ISGlobal.