Young international journalists from #youth4regions visit the PRBB

Malia Kounkou (France), Olena Martyniuk (Ukraine) and Sara Fačko (Croatia) were selected for the #youth4regions programme 2024 of the European Commission. The initiative helps young journalists to discover EU-funded projects throughout Europe.  

During a 2-week train trip covering 7 cities – Venice, Turin, Lyon, Perpignan, Barcelona, Madrid and Malaga -, the 3 journalists had a stop at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB).  

The Sub-Directorate General for Programming of European Funds of the Catalan government had selected our ever improving scientific infrastructure to be part of this year’s #youth4regions trip. Reimund Fickert hosted the visit on July 2, and Berta Icart from the General Direction of European Union Funds also accompanied the visit. 

You can read the report in the following Instagram post:

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