A collaborative study with the participation of María Martínez, from the Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM) and a doctor at the Hospital, has achieved promising results in the phase I of the development of a new treatment for glioblastoma: a combination of the drug crizotinib with radiotherapy and temozolomide.
Glioblastoma is a type of tumour that affects glia cells, the cells responsible for supporting brain tissue. It is the most common primary brain tumour in adults and one of the most aggressive. For this reason, Martínez underlines that “it is of great importance to carry out clinical studies on this type of tumour as there are currently few therapeutic alternatives”.
After analysing the efficacy and safety of this drug combination, the results have shown an increase in the progression-free survival period. This refers to the time the patient lives without a worsening of the disease, which means an increase in the patient’s life expectancy.
The next step will be to confirm the conclusions obtained, for which further studies will have to be carried out. And here, Martínez stresses the importance of collaborative research between preclinical research groups and clinical teams in order to bring these advances to patients.
Martínez-García, M.; Velasco, G.; Pineda, E.; Gil-Gil, M.; Alameda, F.; Capellades, J.; Martín-Soberón, M.C.; López-Valero, I.; Tovar Ambel, E.; Foro, P.; Taus, Á.; Arumi, M.; Hernández-Laín, A.; Sepúlveda-Sánchez, J.M. Safety and Efficacy of Crizotinib in Combination with Temozolomide and Radiotherapy in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma: Phase Ib GEINO 1402 Trial. Cancers 2022, 14, 2393. https://doi.org/10.3390/cancers14102393