The EvoKE (Evolutionary Knowledge for Everyone) Community is a grass-root effort that aims to contribute to a world where people understand evolution and can use scientific knowledge and skills to make informed decisions. Its claim is that this would also allow us to be more prepared to address local and global societal challenges and contribute to an inclusive, innovative, sustainable, and resilient future.
Elena Casacuberta, a senior researcher at Institute for Evolutionary Biology (IBE: CSIC-UPF) and David Castellano, from the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), with Roberto Torres creative director of La Ciència al Teu Món, are working full speed in the organization of the 3rd International Meeting of this community – the EvoKE BCN 21 Meeting “Evolution Everywhere”. It will take place from the 22nd to 24th of November in Barcelona between the Espai Francesca Bonnemaison and the Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB).
The aim of EvoKE is to contribute to a world where people understand evolution and can use scientific knowledge and skills to make informed decisions
A program for everyone
During the 22nd and 23th of November the meeting includes plenary sessions, debates and workshops to invite reflection, debate and learning about strategies on how to improve evolution literacy in the European society with special focus on education.
The 24th of November will see the celebration of the first Barcelona Evolution Day in the facilities of the CCCB, coinciding with the anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s book “The Origin of Species” by Charles Darwin, of 1859. This will be a day open to the public and full of outreach activities focused in evolution, with local schools and community associations attending in the morning and general public in the afternoon.
During the three days of the conference, there will be evening activities at the CCCB aiming to bring together a diverse compendium of professionals including: scientists, communicators, journalists, and artists (among others), to reflect, discuss and enjoy with the public at large, the intersection between Evolution and these and other disciplines.
Calling all evolutionists – and friends
EvoKe 21 BCN Evolution Everywhere, will be an optimal opportunity to share your expertise as an evolutionary scientist, your thoughts, experiences, practices, interests, strategies, and efforts communicating your research and passion for science and the relevance of the correct understanding of evolution to society.
“It will also be an inspiring opportunity for the PRBB community members to explore their options and discover innovative ways to increase literacy and interest in evolution in the European society and beyond, so we invite you all to join!”, invites Casacuberta.
A limited number of grants are available for early-career researchers, Inclusive Target Countries participants and others. Please check the website for more information and for registration.
EvoKE BCN 21 is organized by EvoKE Association, La Ciència Al Teu Món and researchers from different research institutes and universities from Spain, and will be possible thanks the support of the European Society of Evolutionary Biology (ESEB), Ajuntament de Barcelona, Diputació de Barcelona, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, and the collaboration of the Spanish Society of Evolutionary Biology (SESBE), The Society for the Study of Evolution (USA), Fundación PALARQ, IBE (CSIC-UPF) and the Catalan Society of Biology (SCB).