Once again, the park community has celebrated what it is known in these corridors as the “volleyball party”. After 518 matches played by the 80 teams in the PRBB beach volleyball championship, between April 3rd and July 25th, the grand finals of the “cracks” category in the 6×6, 4×4, and 2×2 leagues were contested on Thursday July 26th, on Somorrostro beach.
The quality of the finals means that each year the beach gets packed with more and more spectators (no longer just residents!), who enjoy the two hours or so of matches, watching the smashes, blocks, and receptions amid an atmosphere of camaraderie, competitiveness, and high tension.
Apart from that of the players, we should mention the titanic effort of the ORG, the volunteer committee that works throughout the year to organise the tournament so that the championship takes place under the current conditions, resulting in both players and spectators being so happy and satisfied.
Check out the following pictures of the beach volleyball championship – you can see much more in our Flickr album! You can also check the Championship website for more insights into its organisation. See you in the next season!