Xavier Bellés, 50 years of research at the CSIC

Congratulations to Xavier Bellés, researcher at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (IBE: CSIC-UPF), recognized for his 50 years of career at the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), where he now works as  an honorary research professor.

Bellés, who co-founded the IBE in 2008 and was its first director until 2017, has dedicated his life to the study of insect metamorphosis.

His interest in the history of science and medieval literature has earned him the Prize for Scientific Literature of the Catalan Foundation for Research and Innovation (FCRI), and the bronze Prism of the Casa de las Ciencias de La Coruña. The researcher has also published almost a dozen books, including “Insect Metamorphosis: From Natural History to Regulation of Development and Evolution“; in addition to having translated Darwin’s book “The Expression of Emotions in Man and Animals” into Catalan.

Among other recognitions, the scientist has also received the Narcís Monturiol medal for scientific merit from the Generalitat de Catalunya.

Congratulations again Xavier for your long and fruitful career!

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