The science arriving at the PRBB

In recent months, there have been new additions to the PRBB community. Here is a brief overview to get to know the new profiles and the research they will be conducting.

The study of cellular organelles, AI applied to protein design, neuroscience or the microbiome are some of the fields of study of the new research lines led by the new researchers at the PRBB.

Over the past few months, the scientific community of the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) has grown a bit more. Different individuals have joined to contribute to what we love the most: advancing biomedical research.

At the end of 2023, Adel Al Jord joined the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG), studying the relationship between physical forces and some cellular organelles in the Mechanics of the organelle remodeling lab, which he himself leads. In January 2024, Bernardo Rodríguez-Martín also joined the CRG as an independent researcher within the Computational Biology and Health Genomics Program. And, since early June, there is also Noelia Ferruz, a new principal investigator who comes from the CSIC Molecular Biology Institute to lead her own laboratory on protein design research with artificial intelligence.

At the Hospital del Mar Research Institute, since mid-2023, they have been joined by researchers Manuel Valero and Rodrigo Quian, coordinators in the field of neuroscience in the Neural Computation and Neural Mechanisms of Perception and Memory groups, respectively. In addition, the direction of the Neuroscience Research Program is taken by Pablo Villoslada, who also coordinates the Systems Neurology and Neurotherapies group.

At the Institute of Evolutionary Biology (CSIC-UPF), Vanessa Villalba joined in April as the principal investigator of the Archaeogenomics Group, studying archaeological remains from a genomic perspective to reconstruct the genetic history of Europe. And, in September, they will welcome Macarena Toll-Riera, who will come from ETH Zurich to form her Evolutionary Microbiology group.

The latest additions to the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences, Pompeu Fabra University (MELIS-UPF) have been Mireia Vallès Colomer, leading the Microbiome Research Group, which studies the relationship between the microbiome and human health through supercomputing; Manuel Irimia, a former CRG researcher who now joins MELIS-UPF with his TransDEvo Lab, to study the role of alternative splicing in the study of diseases and evolution; and Javier Santos, a former postdoc at Marc Güell‘s lab working on the synthetic biology project SkinDev, who will now lead the Synthetic Cell Programming Laboratory.

We hope that these new profiles joining the PRBB feel welcomed and inspired to contribute to high-level research and advance the field of biomedicine!

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