On Monday October 2nd, the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park (PRBB) residents were invited to the official inauguration of the µFabLab, the new micro-Fabrication Laboratory at the Park. This laboratory, the result of the collaboration of the PRBB, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory – Barcelona (EMBL Barcelona) the Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) and the Department of Medicine and Life Sciences (MELIS-UPF), is a ‘makers space‘ open to all PRBB residents to create their own tools and technologies.
After a welcome speech by James Sharpe and Luis Serrano, Kristina Haase, a PI at EMBL Barcelona, who was behind the creation of the lab, shared a bit of the history of the initiative.
“The space, on the -2 floor, used to be a parking lot. The PRBB team did a great job, and very quick, to convert it into such a nice place”
Kristina Haase, EMBL
Roberto Paoli, an enginner and the technical specialist and manager of the µFabLab, explained some of the technologies and equipment available – from micro to macro – as well as how to access the space, which can only be done after being trained. “We have so far about 30 users that have been trained to use at least one of the tools“, says Paoli.
He also explained that there’s a µFabLab Committee formed by members of the three participating institutions (CRG, EMBL, UPF) and chaired by Kristina Haase, that supervises the space’s functioning.
“It is not a service, but a place to go and do it yourself, after receiving some training”
James Sharpe (EMBL Barcelona)
Finally, the attendants were invited to some food and a glass of cava, before moving to the premises of the µFabLab to see it in situ.
All the PRBB community is invited to learn and start using the machinery available to break barriers in biomedical research. Will you give it a go?
You can read an article about the µFabLab here.
For more information visit embl.org/microfablab, where you can also find a list of the available equipment. You can also directly contact the µFabLab at microfablab@embl.es.
You can use this form to book a session for the µFabLab General Induction.